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Eshna Sharma
Mumbai, India
Original portrait by muskaan singhvi/ @birthdaypants on instagram

Hi, I am a writer and full-time creative producer based in Mumbai, India. Currently, I am a part of the SouthAsia Speaks Fellowship's fiction cohort of 2024 where I am working on a collection of short stories. My fiction and non-fiction has been published in The Bombay Lit Mag, Hammock Mag, Himal, Spacebar Mag, and The Alipore Post. I was long-listed for the Toto Funds the Arts Award for Creative Writing in 2022, and was a part of the Write Beyond Borders fellowship in 2021. ​


I graduated from Ashoka University with a degree in English & Creative Writing in 2023.

*** I've been writing (and online) since I was eleven, so I have random digital ephemera strewn across the web. I made a website as a single source of truth.

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